Audit & Assurance

In today’s fast paced environment, as a decision maker, you need to have faith in your systems, controls and financial records and be able to instill that same confidence in your shareholders, investors and customers. FarCas has the necessary resources, experience and in-depth local knowledge to effectively deal with all your assurance needs...

Review your systems

Avoid financial losses

Be inline with policies

Our team of experts in each field (Information Systems, Finance, and Compliance) consultants, provide advanced audit consulting to ensure business operations are working in line with policies and plans of the organization.

Info Systems Audit

Independent and Objective review of your IT infrastructure

Financial Audit

Obtain clarity, quality, and trust in your financial statements

Compliance Audit

Analyze agreements to increase transparency, efficiency, and savings.

audit process

There are five simple, straightforward phases of our audit process.
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1. Selection

We conduct an organization's risk assessment as a first step before  developing an audit plan based on the results of this assessment and the department’s available resources.  The organization's administration/management and our Audit Committee review the audit plan before it is executed.

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2. Planning

During the planning phase of each project, the FarCas Audit staff gathers relevant background information and initiate contact with the client.  Auditors meet with an organization's leadership and clients to identify risks and determine the objectives and scope of the audit as well as the timing of fieldwork and the report distribution.

3. Execution

Once the audit is planned, fieldwork is executed by the Audit team.  Clients are kept informed of the audit process through regular status meetings.  We discuss audit observations, potential findings, and recommendations with the client as they are identified.

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4. Reporting

A summary of the audit findings, conclusions, and specific recommendations are officially communicated to the client through a draft report.  Clients have the opportunity to respond to the report and submit an action plan and time frame.  These responses become part of the final report which is distributed to the appropriate level of administration.

5. Follow-up

Internal Audit follows up on all audit findings within one year of when the report was issued.

ready to get started?

let’s talk.

Take your business or organization to the next level by letting us study your data and operations and give your expert advice